Arctic Treks co-owners Jim Campbell and Carol Kasza
In our 40+ years of running Arctic Treks, we have stayed true to the simple, small scale, value driven, conservation oriented, family business model we started with. These are some of the values that define us: Our trips are designed for those with a sense of adventure, those wanting to shed their civilized trappings and recharge their spirits in a natural world both inspiring and demanding. In this age where “adventure travel” has become a cliche, increasingly synthetic, packaged and contrived, Arctic Treks offers as close to the real thing as you can find on a guided trip. With absolutely no roads, trails or campgrounds dictating where to go or when to stop, you have the uncommon experience of just the pure, wild land itself, the weather, and your desires guiding and directing you in your travels. While each trip has its distinctive characteristics, they all share in the qualities that draw many of our clients back over and over again. “Timelessness is the key word,” says co-owner Carol Kasza.

It begins with the light. Until you’ve experienced an Arctic summer, you can’t conceive of the abundance of time that 24 hours of daylight gives you. In this remote wilderness, we’re free not only from the harried pace of city life, but free from the constraints of time itself.
While these are not pampered trips and are luxurious only in their wild beauty and excitement, Arctic Treks trips stand out among others for their attention to detail. We strive for a simple elegance that comes from having just what we need to travel well in a true expedition style—“no more, no less”—which means making sure we have the highest quality food and those comforts that are truly essential.
Everyone is expected to pull their own weight with camp chores, but there will be plenty of free time for individual interests—photography, fishing, etc. We see our role as that of the friend you’ve found who has a wealth of contacts, knowledge and experience in this wild land and whose attention to detail is impeccable, from pre-trip correspondence to the best expedition meals you’ll find. We do our job well because this land demands it. Your part requires simply bringing your enthusiasm and willingness to experience a truly great wilderness on its own terms. We have a deep love for this land and an exuberant appreciation for its wholeness and power and for its ability to somehow transfer those qualities to its human visitors.